詹雅嵐 Chan, Ya-Lan
狀態 副教授
姓名 詹雅嵐 Chan, Ya-Lan
職稱 副教授
研究室/分機 8030/(04)2332-3456#48030
學歷 國立清華大學工業工程與管理博士
專長領域 生產與作業管理、全面品質管理、服務業行銷、統計分析
學生請益時間 Office Hour
網站 https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/yalan
  1. 擔任International Journal of Systems ScienceSCI)、OPSEARCH (SCI)The Scientific World Journal(SCI) 審查委員
  2. 亞洲大學統計學教學社群召集人
  1. 108學年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵
  2. 108學年度院級優良班級導師
年度 論文名稱
2021 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)*, An inventory model for perishable items under upstream and downstream trade credit, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.1195 pp.552-560, 2021
2021 Lin Feng、Konstantina Skouri、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、James Teng(James Teng)*, Optimal selling price and replenishment time for a seller to offer a limited-time free trial, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 2021
2019 Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)*, The Research on Lifestyle, Physical and Mental Health, and Potential Consumption for Elderly, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.773, 2019
2018 Lin Feng、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)*, Joint pricing and production decisions for new products with learning curve effects under upstream and downstream trade credits, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 2018
2017 Lin Feng、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Leopoldo Edu(Leopoldo Eduardo Cardenas-Barron)*, Pricing and lot-sizing polices for perishable goods when the demand depends on selling price, displayed stocks, and expiration date, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, vol.185 pp.11-20, 2017
2017 Jiang Wu、Jinn-Tsair Teng、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)*, Inventory policies for perishable products with expiration dates and advance-cash-credit payment schemes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE, vol.4 pp.1-17, 2017
2017 Ruihai Li、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Chun-Tao Chang(Chun-Tao Chang)*、Leopoldo Eduardo Cardenas-Barron, Pricing and lot-sizing policies for perishable products with advance-cash-credit payments by a discounted cash-flow analysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, vol.193 pp.578-589, 2017
2016 Chu-Shiu Li、June Han Lee、Ly-yun Chang、Chwen-Chi Liu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Christopher Wen、Mu-Lin Chiu、Min Kuang Tsai、Shan Pou Tsai、Jackson Pui Man Wai、Chwen Keng Tsao、Xifeng Wu、Chi Pang Wen(Chi Pang Wen)*、, Physical activity to overcome the adversity of widowhood – Benefits beyond physical health, MEDICINE, vol.95 no.32, 2016
2015 Meng-Tse Gabriel Lee、Shih-Hao Lee、Shy-Shin Chang、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Laura Pang、Sue-Ming Hsu、Chien-Chang(Chien-Chang Lee)*, Comparative treatment failure rates of respiratory fluoroquinolones or β-lactam + macrolide versus β-lactam alone in the treatment for community-acquired pneumonia in adult outpatients: An analysis of a nationally representative claims database, MEDICINE, vol.94 no.39 pp.1-8, 2015
2014 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Nash equilibrium solution in a vendor-buyer supply chain model with permissible delay in payments, COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, vol.70 pp.116-123, 2014
2014 Jiang Wu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Lot-sizing policies for deteriorating items with expiration dates and partial trade credit to credit-risk customers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, vol.155 pp.292-301, 2014
2013 Maw-Sheng Chern、Qinhua Pan、Jinn-Tsair Teng、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sheng-Chih Chen, Stackelberg solution in a vendor–buyer supply chain model with permissible delay in payments, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, vol.144 no.1 pp.397-404, 2013
2013 Liang-Yuh Ouyang、Chih-Te Yang、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Leopoldo Eduardo Cardenas-Barron, A comprehensive extension of the optimal replenishment decisions under two levels of trade credit policy depending on the order quantity, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, vol.224 pp.268-277, 2013
2005 Chern, M. S.、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Teng, J. T., A comparison among various inventory shortage models for deteriorating items on the basis of maximizing profit, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, vol.22 pp.121-134, 2005
2005 Teng, J. T.、Chern, M. S.、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Deterministic inventory lot-size models with shortages for fluctuating demand and unit purchase cost,” International Transactions in Operational Research, International Transactions in Operational Research, vol.12 no.1 pp.83-100, 2005
年度 書名
2022 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、Yen-Ju Chen、Chiung-Wen Yu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Comparing Investor Sentiment Between Growth and Value Stocks, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2022
2022 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Wen-Qian Li、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Research on the Intention of the Elderly to Participate in Barrier-Free Tours, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2022
2021 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 哇!原來這是性別與科技!?, 巨流圖書公司, Nov. 2021
2021 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing-Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Macroeconomic Variables and Investor Sentiment, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2021
2021 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing-Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Research on the Integration of Information Technology into Aesthetic Teaching in Kindergartens, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2021
2020 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Investor Sentiment and Governance Mechanisms, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2020
2020 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Investment Concentration and Home Bias, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2020
2020 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), The Social Performance of University Social Responsibility Elderly Project: The Perspective of Social Return on Investment, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2020
2020 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), An Inventory Model for Perishable Items Under Upstream and Downstream Trade Credit, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2020
2019 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), A Deterministic Multi-Item Inventory Model with Limited Warehouse Capacity, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Jan. 2019
發表日期 論文名稱
2023.07 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、Yen-Ju Chen、Yun-Hsuan Tsai、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), The Influence of CEO CFO Turnover on Company Value , The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2023, Toronto, Canada
2023.07 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Po-Hung Chen、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Research on the Influence of On, the-go Cross-store Access through APPs on Consumer Behavior - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2023, Toronto, Canada
2023.05 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 減資對長期公司價值之影響 , 第二十四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, May. 2023, 彰化,台灣
2023.05 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、張正燊、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), 應用 AHP及 TOPSIS法探討便利商店社群經營之績效 , 第二十四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, May. 2023, 彰化,台灣
2022.11 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sue-Ming Hsu、Yu-An Hsieh, Sustainability or Greenwashing , - The Impact of Fast Fashion Industry CSR Strategy Orientation on Brand Equity - The 22nd Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan
2022.07 Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 社會創新系列課程之教學實踐與學習成效評估 , 2022課程與教學國際學術研討會, Jul. 2022, 台中,台灣
2022.07 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Guo-Bin Li, 教師人格特質與班級經營策略對於教學效能之影響 , 2022課程與教學國際學術研討會, Jul. 2022, 台中,台灣
2022.06 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、Yen-Ju Chen、Chiung-Wen Yu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Comparing investor sentiment between growth and value stocks , The 16th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jun. 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan
2022.06 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Wen-Qian Li、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Research on the Intention of the Elderly to Participate in Barrier, free Tours - The 16th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jun. 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan
2022.01 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Value versus growth stocks, business cycle and investor sentiment , The Third International Symposium on Future ICT (Future ICT 2022), Jan. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan
2022.01 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), The Influence of Brand Image, Service Quality on Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention—A Case Study on Duo Fu Holiday Company , The Third International Symposium on Future ICT (Future ICT 2022), Jan. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan
2021.07 廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA)、Chun-Min Wang、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Macroeconomic Variables and Investor Sentiment , The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2021, Korea/Asan/Soonchunhyang (SCH) University
2021.07 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Pei-Fang Lu、Sue-Ming Hsu、廖美華(LIAO, MEI-HUA), Research on the Integration of Information Technology into Aesthetic Teaching in Kindergartens , The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2021, Korea/Asan/Soonchunhyang (SCH) University
2021.07 Sueming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 如何有效培養地方創生人才, -兼論大學教育的定位 、角色與轉型 - 2021中亞聯大教學實踐研究與創新線上研討會, Jul. 2021, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學(線上)
2021.07 Sueming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、 Dazhou Huang, 運用PBL及TBL強化創新創業課程之學習成效 , 2021中亞聯大教學實踐研究與創新線上研討會, Jul. 2021, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學(線上)
2021.07 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sue-Ming Hsu, 導入智慧穿戴裝置於學生體育類課程以提升自主運動之成效 , 2021中亞聯大教學實踐研究與創新線上研討會, Jul. 2021, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學(線上)
2021.02 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), The Sustainable Development Trend and Digital Transformation in the Post, epidemic Era -Taking P&G as an Example - The Second International Symposium on Future ICT (Future ICT 2021), Feb. 2021, Taiwan/Taichung City/Asia University & Tunghai University
2021.02 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sue-Ming Hsu, The Impact of the Use of Information Technology on the Incorporation of Information Technology into the Field of Aesthetic Education , The Second International Symposium on Future ICT (Future ICT 2021), Feb. 2021, Taiwan/Taichung City/Asia University & Tunghai University
2019.11 Sueming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 中部製造產業之智慧製造、創新營運與數位轉型 , 2019臺中學國際研討會, Nov. 2019, 台灣/台中/中興大學
2019.11 Sueming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 中部地區高齡主題大學社會責任計畫之創新作法與社會效益評估 , 2019臺中學國際研討會, Nov. 2019, 台灣/台中/中興大學
2016.07 Sue-Ming Hsu(Sue-Ming Hsu)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Kai-I Huang(Kai-I Huang)、Wei-Che Hsu(Wei-Che Hsu)、Chih-Hsuan H(Chih-Hsuan Huang), The development of car, sharing service for elderly medical behavior in rural areas : the application of the sharing economy theory - The SIBR 2016 Osaka Conference, Jul. 2016, Osaka/Japan
2016.03 Chu-Shiu Li(Chu-Shiu Li)、June-Han Lee(June-Han Lee)、Chwen-Chi Li(Chwen-Chi Liu)、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Chi-Pang Wen(Chi-Pang Wen), Physical activity as a wonder drug for overcoming adversity of widowhood , 81st International Atlantic Economic Conference, Mar. 2016, Portugal/Lisbon
2015.11 Servitization Strategy, Business Model, and Performance – The Case Study of Domestic Electronic Information Manufactures , 科技部103年度工業工程與管理學門計畫成果發表會/Industrial Engineering and Management Program -- National Science Council, Nov. 2015, 新竹/台灣
2015.06 Chih-Hsuan Hunag、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Wei-Che Hsu、Kai-I Huang、Sue-Ming Hsu, 2. What Motives Determine Consumer’s Intentions to Demonstrate Public Transport? , The Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, Jun. 2015, Kobe, Japan
2015.06 Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Wei-Che Hsu、Chih-Hsuan Huang、Wei-Ling Hu, 1. The Research of Life Satisfaction and Its Influence Factors of Elderly, The Moderating Effect of Leisure Activity and Society Participation. - The Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, Jun. 2015, Kobe, Japan
2015.06 Chih-Hsuan Hunag、Wei-Che Hsu、Kai-I Hunag、Sue-Ming Hsu、Yi-Chun Huang、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), 3. The Self, Determined Effect on Environmental Behavior-Using Public Transport as an Example - World Conference on Business and Management & Global Great Debate 2015, Jun. 2015, Seoul, Korea
2014.05 Economic order quantity models for deteriorating items with expiration dates and partial trade credit to credit, risk customer - 2014 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, May. 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
2013.11 結合製造服務化與活躍老化觀點探討健身器材產業在長青照護市場之應用/An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Servitization and active aging in Taiwan’s Senior Care Market (in Chinese) , 國科會101年度工業工程與管理學門計畫成果發表會/Industrial Engineering and Management Program -- National Science Council, Nov. 2013, Taichung, Taiwan
2013.07 Sue-Ming Hsu、Kai-I Huang、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Wei-Che Hsu, BAI 2013 International Conference on Business and Information, Jul. 2013, Bali, Indonesia
2013.05 Jinn-Tsair Teng、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), Nash Equilibrium Solution in a Seller, Buyer Supply Chain Model with Permissible Delay in Payments - 2013 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, May. 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
2011.11 Kai-I Huang、Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan), The Effects of Dynamic Capabilities on Exploration and Exploitation Innovation , The 11th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference, San Francisco, USA (IAMB 2012 Winter Con), Nov. 2011, San Francisco, California, United States
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
虛實整合餐飲業之商業模式發展研究-以App載具為例(I) / Studies of the development of business models for catering industry from online to offline equipped with App as an example(103-2221-E-029-016-)(in Chinese) (NSC103-2221-E-029 -016 -) 王本正、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan) 2014.08 ~ 2015.12
服務化策略、營運模式與經營績效-以我國資訊電子廠商為例(I) / Servitization Strategy, Business Model, and Performance – The Case Study of Domestic Electronic Information Manufactures(103-2221-E-468-023-) (in Chinese) (NSC103-2221-E-468-023) 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、邱世寬 2014.08 ~ 2015.07
結合製造服務化與活躍老化觀點探討健身器材產業在長青照護市場之應用/An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Servitization and active aging in Taiwan’s Senior Care Market—A Case Study of Fitness Equipment Industry(101-2221-E-468-013-)(in Chinese) (NSC 101-2221-E-468 -013) 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、黃開義(Huang Kai-I) 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
工業區廠商轉型再造升級計畫-家鄉公司/Industrial zone manufacturers restructuring and upgrading program--case study (in Chinese) (20120109131853) 許書銘、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan) 2010.12 ~ 2011.05
鴻昇實業—進入高階家事服務市場的抉擇/Family services market into the high-end choice: case study(in Chinese) (20131209182251) 詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan)、Sue-Ming Hsu 2010.11 ~ 2011.07
製造業服務化議題研究與輔導計畫/Research on theServitization and the Counseling program(in Chinese) (20131217200236) Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan) 2010.03 ~ 2010.11
台灣橡塑膠機械產業研究計畫/Taiwan Plastics & Rubber Machinery Industry Research Project(in Chinese) (20131217200029) Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan) 2009.01 ~ 2009.12
產學合作市場研究計畫-面版設備維修及製造 / Panel equipment maintenance and manufacturing(in Chinese) (20131217195558) Sue-Ming Hsu、詹雅嵐(Ya-Lan Chan) 2008.04 ~ 2008.07
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
大學日間部 82U00078A 服務業管理 113
研究所博士班 98D00046A 管理理論研討 113
進修學士班 MB500127A 學輔時間(二) 113
大學日間部 XDU00286A 行銷學 113
進修學士班 MB500172A 試算表與資料處理 113