陳世良 Chen, Shieh-Liang
狀態 兼任教師
姓名 陳世良 Chen, Shieh-Liang
職稱 教授
研究室/分機 M646/(04)2332-3456#1904
學歷 國立台灣科技大學企業管理博士
專長領域 供應鏈管理、行銷通路管理、行銷研究等
學生請益時間 Office Hour
網站 https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/990102312

陳教授擔任「臺灣企業績效學刊」編輯委員、「財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會」 評鑑委員。學術論文發表在 Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning & Control, Applied Economics, 管理評論, 產業管理論壇, 品質學報等期刊。


亞洲大學優良教學獎 (2014),台中勞資關係協會理事長 (2013)。

年度 論文名稱
2024 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)*, The Mediating Impact of Innovation Types in the Relationship between Innovation Use Theory and Market Performance, Stats, vol.7 no.1 pp.1-22, 2024
2023 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、李怡璇怡璇(Yi-Hsuan Lee)、Gia Luat Diep、Trung Kien Tran、Thi Ha An Pham、Tran Thai Ha Nguyen(Tran Thai Ha Nguyen)*, Developing green logistic services management to achieve sustainable development in Vietnam: the role of green construction practices, green social awareness and green innovation, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, vol.30 no.10 pp.97267-97280, 2023
2023 謝家峻(Hsieh,Chia-Chun)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*、黃純真(HUANG CHUN,CHEN), Investigating the Role of Supply Chain Environmental Risk in Shaping the Nexus of Supply Chain Agility, Resilience, and Performance, Sustainability, vol.15 no.20 pp.15003-15021, 2023
2023 陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*, Explore the life-cycle strategies for LINE company-from the perspectives of innovative use theory and communication regulations, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.2685 no.1 pp.1-8, 2023
2023 白振生(Pai Chen-Sheng)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*, Mystery of Big Data: A Study of Consumer Decision-Making Behavior on E-Commerce Websites, Engineering Proceedings, vol.38 no.29 pp.1-16, 2023
2023 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)*, Exploring the Impact of Technological Innovation on the Development of Electric Vehicles on the Bibliometric Perspective of Innovation Types, World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol.14 no.7 pp.191-210, 2023
2023 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、蘇煜勝(Su Yu-Sheng)*、Gia Luat Diep、Premagowrie Sivananda、Muhammad Sadiq, The impact of environmental knowledge and green supply chain practices in impoving energy production: the moderting role of green behavior and green leadership, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, vol.30 no.19 pp.57017-57031, 2023
2023 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、蘇煜勝(Su Yu-Sheng)*、Tufail Bushra、Vu Trong Lam、Thi Thu Phan、Thanh Quang Ngo, The moderating role of leadership on the relationship between green supply chain management, technological advancement, and knowledge management in susutainable performance, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, vol.30 no.19 pp.56654-56669, 2023
2022 張家馨、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*, 學 校翻轉──願 景領導的系統化服務創新模式之個案研究, 學校行政雙月刊, vol.138 no.1 pp.29-51, 2022
2022 邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)、施淵琛(Yuan-Shen Shih)*、朱立聖(LI-SHENG CHU)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), Merger and Acquisitions Integration, implementation as Innovative Approach Towards Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Case Analysis From Chinese Sports Brands, Frontiers in Psychology, vol.13 no.1 pp.1-11, 2022
2021 何玉霞(Yu-Hsia Ho)*、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE, Journal of Quality, vol.28 no.5 pp.297-321, 2021
2021 朱立聖(LI-SHENG CHU)、廖當訓、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*、廖子駒, 再生能源熱產業獲取競爭優勢關鍵因素之研究-以ESCO綠色能源服務業為例, 大同學報, vol.36 no.4 pp.44-55, 2021
2020 施婷芸(Ting-Yun Shih)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*, CSR 對公司價值的影響 : CEO 的能力及權力的作用, 運動與觀光研究, vol.9 no.2 pp.29-46, 2020
2019 李國賓(Kuo-Pin Li)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)、盧文正(Wen-Cheng Lu), Strategies of Reduce Customer's No-Show Probability at Restaurants, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, vol.5 no.1 pp.145-152, 2019
2019 何玉霞(Yu-Hsia Ho)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、謝廷豪(Ting-Hao Hsieh), A Study on the mediating Effect of Learning Orientation on the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Employee Lifelong Learning, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, vol.5 no.1 pp.48-50, 2019
2018 李國賓(Kuo-Pin Li)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)、盧文正(Wen-Cheng Lu), Strategies of Reduce Customer's No-Show Probability at Restaurants, International Journal of Global Science Research, vol.5 no.2 pp.724-735, 2018
2018 盧文正(Wen-Cheng Lu)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)、李國賓(Kuo Pin Li), A Study Investigating the Stage-by-Stage Pre-Order Platform Strategies-taking Online Pre-Order Catering Platforms for Examples, International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies, vol.4 no.6 pp.239-250, 2018
2018 呂宜緻(Lu Yi-CHIH)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、紀慧如(Chi HuI-Ru), An Empirical Study of Supply Chain Structure, Supplier management and Competitive Strategy on Responsible Supply Chain, Global and Stochastic Analysis, vol.5 no.6 pp.1-15, 2018
2017 邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)*、李勝隆(Sheng-Lung Lee)*、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、Xing Li, Service Innovation Model in Manufacturing Industry: A Perspective of Asset Specificity, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, vol.15 no.24 pp.361-367, 2017
2017 許玉音(Yu-Yin Hsu)、許世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu)*、Jen-Son Cheng、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), Is the World Flat? Critical Tests of Culture Theories’ Explanations of International Travel, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.17 no.5 pp.1079-1084, 2017
2017 許玉音(Yu-Yin Hsu)、Jen-Son Cheng(Jen-Son Cheng)*、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、許世芸(Shih-Yun Hsu), To Buy More or Less: Business Intelligence and Analytics of Chinese Tourists’ Shopping Behaviors in Taiwan, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.17 no.5 pp.941-947, 2017
2016 Chia-Ying Liu、Shiu-Chen Huang、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*, The Effects of Agency Costs and Insiders’ Shareholdings on Financing Choices, Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, vol.8 no.1 pp.127-151, 2016
2016 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、Van Kien Pham、陳坤成(James K.C. Chen), Evaluating and Selecting the Best Outsourcing Service Country in East and Southeast Asia: An AHP Approach, JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION, vol.44 no.1 pp.89-101, 2016
2016 Hui-Ming Shih(Hui-Ming Shih)*、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、王郁玫(Yu-Mei Wang), A study of Integrating Mobile Technology Integration System of Orienteering Tour into Sightseeing Tour Planning Curriculum, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, vol.14 no.2 pp.271-276, 2016
2016 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、Nguyen Thi Huyen Tran(Nguyen Thi Huyen Tran)*、Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Concerns of Vietnamese Producing-exporting Seafood SMEs (VPESSMEs) on Supply Chain, International Business Research, vol.9 no.6 pp.120-130, 2016
2016 姜祖華(Tzuu-Hwa Jiang)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*、陳坤成(James K.C. Chen), Examining the role of behavioral intention on multimedia teaching materials using FSQCA, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, vol.69 no.6 pp.2252-2258, 2016
2016 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*、Li-Yu Chen, The Effects of Customers' Bargaining Power on Capital Expenditure and Earings Management: Evidence from Taiwan, Accounting and Finance Research, vol.5 no.3 pp.12-28, 2016
2015 Yi-Mien Lin、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*、Chin-Fang Chao, R&D expenditure, financing policy, and default risk, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, vol.6 no.1 pp.81-104, 2015
2014 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、梁皓安(Hao-An Liang), Cause mapping of simple and complex marketing strategy, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, vol.67 no.1 pp.2867-2876, 2014
2014 邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)*、張震冬、紀慧如(Hui Ru,Chi)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), 探討雲端服務創新模式與演進:中華電信為例, 管理評論/Management Review, vol.33 no.4 pp.67-88, 2014
2014 Hui-Ming Shih、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)*、Chih-Hung Wang, Development of Causal Model of Four Parameters upon Statistical and Mathematical Analysis and Management, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.479-480 pp.795-799, 2014
2013 劉志諒(Liu C. L.)、陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)*, Risk Sharing in the Supplier Relations for the Taiwanese Automotive Industry, JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, vol.64 no.3 pp.365-371, 2013
2013 邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)、林宏嘉、朱立聖(Chu Li-Sheng)、陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang), 以服務失誤觀點發展服務創新策略-以中華電信ADSL維修服務為例, 產業與管理論壇/Industry and Management Forum, vol.15 no.1 pp.66-86, 2013
2013 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、林琩祐(Lin Chang-Yu)、林宜勉(Lin Yi-Mien), Ownership Structure, Idiosyncratic Risk and Financing Policy, Journal of International Finance Studies, vol.13 no.2 pp.51-62, 2013
2010 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、黃憲彰(Huang S. C.), Managing Supply Chain Risk with Options and Online Spot Markets, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, vol.13 no.2 pp.389-407, 2010
2009 林宜勉(Lin Y. M.)、Hsu Y. S.(Hsu Y. S.)*、陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang), Cash-Flow News, Market Liquidity and Liquidity Risk, Applied Economics, APPLIED ECONOMICS, vol.41 pp.1137-1156, 2009
2008 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、劉志諒(Liu C. L.)*, The Optimal Consignment Policy for the Manufacturer under Supply Chain Coordination, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, vol.46 no.18 pp.5121-5143, 2008
2007 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、黃憲彰(Huang S. C.)*、林宜勉(Lin Y. M.), Using Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models to Investigate the Interactions among NASDAQ and Major Asian Stock Indices, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, vol.14 no.2 pp.127-133, 2007
2007 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、劉志諒(Liu C. L.)*, Procurement Strategies in the Presence of the Spot Market- an Analytical Framework, PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, vol.18 no.4 pp.297-309, 2007
發表日期 論文名稱
2022.02 陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), Explore the impact of education 4.0 on teaching innovation, Innovative Use Theory Perspective - 2022 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation IIARP International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences, Feb. 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
2021.12 謝家峻(Hsieh,Chia-Chun)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), The Impact of Triple a Supply Chain Characteristic on Supply Chain Resilience under Disruption Risk , 2021 IIARP International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences, Dec. 2021, Bangkok, Thailand
2021.10 陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG), Explore the Life, cycle Strategies for Line Messaging Company-From Viewpoint of Innovation Use Theory and Communication Regulations - 2021 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering, Oct. 2021, Yunlin, Taiwan
2021.08 陳國樑(Kuo-Liang Chen)、陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、胡婉萍(Wan-Pei Hu), Market Strategy of Clusters Economy in Taiwan Microenterprises , 2021 IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management, Aug. 2021, Taichung, Taiwan
2017.05 陳世良(CHEN SHIEH LIANG)、Chia-Ying Liu、Cheng-Kun Liu, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Productivity and Firm Valuation , 40th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, May. 2017, 西班牙/瓦倫西亞
2011.04 廖詳銘、陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang)、黃憲彰, 在條件風險值下製造商最佳退貨契約之設計 , 2011 商管與資訊研討會, Apr. 2011
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
消費者策略觀望行為下廠商最適價格與策略性缺貨之傳訊品質設計 (NSC 102-2410-H-468-017) 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
供應鏈去中間化下製造商最佳風險契約研究 (NSC 101- 2410-H-468-001) 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
共創雙贏條件製造商之最適價格促銷與零售商存貨決策之制定 (100-asia-53) 2011.12 ~ 2012.11
雙邊道德危險供應鏈成本分享契約之研究 (NSC 98-2410-H468-033-MY2) 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang) 2009.08 ~ 2011.07
在現貨市場競爭下供應商之罪是選擇權契約之研究 (NSC 97-2410-H018-010) 陳世良(Chen Shieh-Liang) 2008.08 ~ 2009.07
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
研究所碩士班 83M00001A 生產與作業管理 113
大學日間部 86U00005A 公司理財專題 113
大學日間部 86U00201A 金融市場與職業倫理 113
碩士在職專班 MH400005A 服務創新與企業變革 113
碩士在職專班 MH400006A 金融市場與投資 113
碩士在職專班 MH400024A 管理會計與財報分析 113
年度 名稱 全部作者
109 私立托嬰中心的經營策略研究 王素美
109 刺繡產業商業模式創新:以大成刺繡股份有限公司為例 劉金賢
109 電商平台訪客行為分析 以Google Merchandise Store為例 白振生
108 手工具產業自創品牌之商業模式探討 蘇春宇
108 運動球網用品之委外商業模式創新 以A公司為例 尤萬生
108 小型企業績效與薪酬關係-質性研究初探 劉俐君
108 K-POP偶像認同、消費價值對購買相關商品傾向之分析 簡白雪
108 減輕餐廳爽約策略之效果研究 李國賓
107 餐廳線上預購平台之創新發展歷程與消費者考慮之使用因素研究-以EZTable為例 盧文正
107 我國入境觀光需求預測之研究─時間數列方法之應用 張吟如
107 台灣量販店經營探討-以C公司為例 蘇秝杏
107 天然酒市場品牌定位之研究-以尚賀酒廠為例 丁常賀
107 選擇銀行保險通路購買人身保險商品 之考慮因素研究 陳惠芬
106 對越南中小型企業的供應鏈績效的了解 Nguyen Thi Huyen Tran
年分 計畫名稱 指導教授 學系 學生姓名
105 欲留顧客金,必先盡其心--社群與品牌忠誠的探討 陳世良 經營管理 林龍璟