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Academic Events

庭彰 4th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2021 The new mode of cultural creativity management in response to COVID-19. 2021-07-23-
張庭彰 The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing College Students' Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness by Integrating Knowledge Sharing, Action Research and Cooperative Learning in Statistics 2021-07-01-
張庭彰 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 關節鬆動術對慢性腳踝不穩定患者於下蹲時腳踝背屈活動度及軀幹前傾的影響 2021-03-20-
張庭彰 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 石材加工公司安全分析之評估 2021-03-20-
張庭彰 The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia. A Study on the Diversified Model of Integrated Marketing Company 2021-03-18-
張庭彰 The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia Effects of Joint Mobilization on AnkleDorsiflexion Range of Motion during SquatExercise for Subjects with Chronic Ankle Instability 2021-03-18-
張庭彰 The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia. Thinking of Design Management in " Biography of the Architect " 2021-03-18-
張庭彰 4th Eurasian Conference on Education alInnovation 2021. The Quest of Learning Satisfaction and Effecting of Humanities Course for High Schools. 2021-02-05-
張庭彰 International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention Operation Strategy and Operation of Travel Agency in the Late COVID-19 2020-08-21-
林佩冠 2021 7th International Conference on E-Business and Applications (ICEBA 2021) (El) Employability paradox, movement capital and employees turnover in Indonesia 2021-02-24-
林佩冠 20217th International Conference on -Business and Applications (ICEBA 2021) (El) Why Do Taiwanese Consume rs Purchase Korean Beauty Product? 2021-02-24- 2021-02-26
家年 中國工業工程學會109學年度年會及學術研討會(CIIE2020) 結合最佳化與大數據分析之智慧排程架/Smart scheduling framework hybrid optimization and big data analysis 2020-11-21-
蔡存孝 109 年度農業討會 應用ARIMA 及LSTM 於地下水位預測模擬比較分析 2020-10-28-
蔡存孝 109 年度農業工程研討會 應用CNN 於文件二元分類辨識研究 2020-10-28-