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Ph.D. Graduation/Study regulations



1.New Student Registration

• Sign up [Online] New Students’ Online Enrollment System
• International College will arrange physical examination for newcomers including bachelor, master and Ph.D. students after admission.

2.Course Selection

• Manage [Online] Course Information System
• Manage [Online] Course Selection System

3.Advisor Selection and Change

4.Subject Examination (Either Way)

  • 。Replace the Two Subjects Field Written Qualifying Examination with ONE article published or accepted for publication in SSCI, SCI, EI, TSSCI, or SCOPUS journals, with the name of the BA Dept. of Asia University. 
  • 4-1  Application to Take Written Qualifying Examination, take the subject examinations, and receive an average of ≧70 on a 100-point scale in the content area to pass (*Subject examinations are held once per semester.) (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 。AREE Ethics Certification-Manual ( PDF Format )

5.Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Defense

  • 5-1 Application to Thesis/Dissertation Proposal DefenseDOCX
  • 5-2 Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Evaluation Report (ODT / PDF / DOCX)

6.Application for Doctoral Candidacy

  • 。Complete all course credits, and pass the two subject examinations and dissertation proposal evaluation.
  • 。Approval of Academic Council.
  • 6-1 Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Form (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 6-2 Advancement to Candidacy Certificate of Approval (with advisor’s signature) (ODT / PDF / DOCX)

7.Application for Doctoral Degree Examination
 (Dissertation Oral Defense)
 (Should be applied 2 months after Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Defense and 2 weeks before Oral Defense)

  • Approval of Academic Council
  • 7-1 Application for Doctoral Degree Examination (Dissertation Oral Defense) on Student Information Sysyem(Operating instructions)(No need to hand in paper documents)
    • Please upload these documents to the system:(Documents should be renamed by Chinese title)
    • 1. First draft of the paper (1.論文初稿)
    • 2. Turnitin Result with Advisor's signature(Exclusion condition must to be closed(2.比對報告)
    • 3. AREE Ethics Certification-Manual ( PDF) (3.學術倫理課程證明書)
    • 5. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison ODT / PDF / DOCX ) (5.聲明書)
    • 4. (Department Upload) Minutes of industry committee meeting (4.業界委員資格會議紀錄)
  • NOTES:
    1. Please hand in your paper to your Advisor and 
    Committee Member 
    2 weeks ago (Please contact Committee Member on your own)
    2. Please use the correct format to write your paper。
  • 7-2 Application Form of Thesis/Dissertation Degree Examiniation (kept on file by the BA Dept.)(ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 7-3 Advisor Recommendation Form (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 7-4 Publication List (ODT / PDF / DOCX),Example:(PDF)
  • Journal:
    1.Acceptance letter (including manuscript) or publication (without acceptance letter)+
    2. Index proof of journal level (such as SCI)

    International Conference:
    1.Acceptance letter + proof of oral presentation or
    2. Publication proof (without acceptance letter or proof of oral presentation)
  • 7-5  Announcement of Doctoral Dissertation Defense Committee Membership (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 7-6 Ph.D. Student Zero-Credit Teaching Practicum Checklist (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 7-7 Certificate of Participation in Workshop (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 7-8 Reflection Report on Teaching Observation and Demonstration/Trial Teaching Template (Sample Format) (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 7-9 Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison(ODT/PDF/DOCX)

8.The Day of Dissertation Oral Defense

  • 8-1 Thesis/Dissertation Defense Evaluation Form ODTPDFDOCX )
  • 8-2  Report on Thesis/Dissertation Degree Examination ODTPDFDOCX )
  • 8-3 AACSB Rubrics (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 8-4 Dissertation Defense Committee Approval Page (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • 8-5 Examiner/Reviewers Bank Account Form and Payments Receipt (ODT / PDF / DOCX)
  • Notes:
    Please directly email department chairperson
    Subject:「Please sign Approval Page for me、program、name」
    example:「Please sign Approval Page for me、master、Michael Lee」
    including 2 PDF(Thesis Defense Committee Approval Page Format, Full Turnitin results)。

9.Electronic Thesis/Dissertation System (Upload)

  • 。 [Online] After the BA Dept. approved that the format is correct, a set of account password of the system will be sent to the student’s mailbox so that the student can sign up to upload a final dissertation.
  • 。 [Submit printed form] Hand in 2 hard copies of dissertation and a Letter of Authority (signed by the student) to the Library
  • 。Asia Watermark(Upload) ( PDF/JPG)

10.Completion of School-Leaving Procedures

  • 。 Apply [Online] Graduate School-Leaving Procedure Management System