Chen, Ming-Huei
Name Chen, Ming-Huei
Job title Chair Professor& Dean
Office/TEL M603/(04)2332-3456#1950
Education PhD., Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Expertise Creativity, Teamwork, Entrepreneurship, Guanxi Networks
Office Hour Office Hour
Professional Experience
  1. Dean, College of Management, Asia University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2015 ~2019) (accredited by AACSB in 2017)
  2. Chair Professor, Department of Business Administration, Asia University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2015 ~ 2019 )
  3. Distinguished Professor (lifelong), Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2020 ~ now)
  4. Department Chair, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2011 ~ 2013)
  5. Member of editorial board, the Journal Creativity and Innovation Management (SSCI),Blackwell Publisher (2005 ~ now)
  6. Member of editorial board, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research (SSCI), Emerald Publisher (2006 ~ now)
  7. Member of editorial board, Journal of Technology Management (Chinese) (TSSCI) (2013 ~ now)
  8. Fellow, Chinese Society of Management of Technology (2019)
  9. Chairman, Society for Management of Techonology in Taichung (2019 ~ 2023)
Honors & Awards
  1. World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020 & 2021 (Stanford University released)
  2. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2022 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Tu, C-H. (2022). Do social media use and addiction create more online social capital?]
  3. Supervisor of the Excellent Master Thesis Award, 2022 CSMOT Conference, [Co-Supervised master student: Chiang, Pei-Shan, R&D Organizational Structure, Technological Capability, and Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of R&D Slack)
  4. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2021 Cross Strait MOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Chang, T-W. (2021). Knowledge sharing, social ties and learning community]
  5. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2020 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Yang, J-Y. (2020). Entrepreneurs’ Creativity Cognitive Style and Well–Being: The Perspective of Self–Determination Theory]
  6. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2020 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Chang, C-T. (2020). Managers’ Flexibility and Creative Behavior: Cognitive Style as the Moderator]
  7. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2019 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Tseng, C-Y. (2019). Stress and Well-being: Mediating Roles of Internet Addiction and Coping Styles)
  8. Supervisor of Good Work Doctoral Thesis Award, 2018 CSMOT Conference, [Supervised doctoral student: Somya Agrawal,Exploring team behavior through entrepreneurship education in a longitudinal study: Leadership, communication barriers, networks and team performance)
  9. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2018 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Kuo, Y-S. (2018). Social Relationship and Entrepreneurial Satisfaction: Mediated by Opportunity and Work productivity
  10. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2017 World Business and Social Sciences Research Conference [Chen, M.-H. & Krishna, S. Linking work environment to middle managers happiness: Revisiting Herzberg Two-factor theory, World Business and Social Sciences Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 18-19.]
  11. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2016 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H., Yeh, Y.-J. & Agrawal, S. 2016. The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Team Progress: Learning From Entrepreneurship Education,Nov. 18-19]
  12. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2015 The Third Cross Strait MOT Conference and Doctoral Seminar,[Chen, M-H., Hsu, C-J. & Agrawal, S.(2015). Linking Communication Barriers and Team’s Creativity: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, Expressive Ties, and Team Learning Performance,Nov. 21]
  13. The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2014 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H., Lin, Y-C., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2014). What Makes Creative Entrepreneurs Happy? Cognitive Style, Guanxi, and Creativity]
  14. Supervisor of Excellent Thesis Award, 2014 TSC Thesis Symposium [Supervised graduate: Lee, C-Y.,Creative Entrepreneurs’ Guanxi Networks and Entrepreneurial Success: Mediating Effects of Information accessibility and Resources availability)
  15. Supervisor of Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2013 PICMET Conference, [Chang, Y. & Chen, M-H. Innovative cognitive style, proactive personality and employee creativity: The moderating effects of work discretion and time pressure)
  16. The Best Conference Session Paper, 2013 ISBE Conference, [Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y. & Chang, Y-C. (2013). Exploring Entrepreneurial Team Performance: Cognition, Conflicts, and Cohesion]
  17. Supervisor of Excellent Theis Award, 2013 CSMOT Conference, [Supervised graduate: Huang, G-G. Human Capital, Opportunity Recognition and Venture Performance in the Web-Based Businesses)
  18. The Best Conference Session Award, 2011 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M-H. & Pan, Y-T. (2013). Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Study of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and CIQ in Sheffield, United Kingdom]
  19. Supervisor of Excellent Master Thesis Award, 2011 CSMOT Conference, [Supervised master student: Pan, Yi-Tien, Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Study of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and CIQ in Sheffield, United Kingdom]
  20. Supervisor of Excellent EMBA Master Thesis Award, 2011 CSMOT Conference, [supervised master student: Cheng, Wen-He, A Study of Innovative Business Model in Cloth Washing Industry: A Consumer Need Perspective]
  21. The Best Conference Session Award, 2007 Chinese Society for Management of Technology Conference [Chen, M.-H. & Chen, H. Case Studies on Social Networks of R&D Teams:  A Project-Stage Perspective.]
  22. The Best Conference Session Award, 2006 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Wang, M. Social capital and entrepreneurial teams: An intra-team perspective.]
  23. Supervisor of Excellent Master Thesis Award, 2005 CSMOT Conference, [supervised graduate student, Wang, Ming-Chao, Social capital and new ventures: A study on technology-based ventures in Taiwan]
  24. Supervisor of Good Work Doctoral Thesis Award, 2005 Chinese Society for Management of Technology (CSMOT) Conference, [co-supervised doctoral student, Yang, Phil Y. Yang, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Creation: A Study of Academic Entrepreneurs in Taiwan]
Year Paper Title
2023 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Agrawa, Somya(Agrawa, Somya)*、林嵩閔(Lin, Sung-Ming)、連瑋玲(Liang, Wei-Ling), Learning Community and Social Media Impact: Transactive Memory Perspective, COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, vol.203, 2023
2021 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、曾閔(Tseng, M.)*, Creative Entrepreneurs’ Artistic Creativity and Entrepreneurial Alertness: The Guanxi Network Perspective, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR & RESEARCH, vol.27 no.4 pp.1082-1102, 2021
2020 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、曾閔(Tseng, M.)*, Creative Entrepreneurs’ Well-Being, Opportunity Recognition, and Absorptive Capacity: Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, vol.10 no.1, 2020
2020 張佑宇(Yu-Yu Chang)、陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chebn)*, Creative entrepreneurs’ creativity, opportunity recognition, and career success: Is resource availability a double-edged sword?, European Management Journal, vol.38 no.5 pp.750-761, 2020
2018 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Somya Agrawa(Somya Agrawa)*, What Leads To Effective Team Learning Performance within University Students? The Moderating Effects of ‘Guanxi’, The International Journal of Management Education, vol.16 pp.432-445, 2018
2018 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、王宏元(Wang, H.-Y.)*、王明照(Wang, M-C.), Knowledge Sharing, Social Capital, and Financial Performance: The Perspectives of Innovation Strategy in Technological Clusters, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, vol.16 pp.1-16, 2018
2018 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、張佑宇(Chang, Y.Y.)*、林吟真(Lin, Y.-C.), Exploring Creative Entrepreneurs’ Happiness: Cognitive Style, Guanxi, and Creativity., International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal pp.1-12, 2018
2018 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Agrawal, S., Exploring student’s team behavior through entrepreneurial education: A time-lagged study, Education & Training, vol.60 no.7 pp.781-799, 2018
2018 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、張佑宇(Chang, Y.-C.)、潘如昀(Pan, J.Y.), Typology of Creative Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Success, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 2018
2017 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、張佑宇(Yu-Yu Chang)*、王宏元(H.Y. Wang), Understanding Creative Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Quit, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, vol.7 no.3, 2017
2017 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、張佑宇(Yu-Yu Chang)*、江孟達(Chiang, M.-T.), Human Capital and Career Success of Creative Entrepreneurs: Is Guanxi Network a Missing Link, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, vol.29 no.4 pp.313-331, 2017
2017 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、張佑宇(Yu-Yu Chang)*、張元杰(Yuan-Chieh Chang), The Trinity of Social Interaction in Entrepreneurial Teams: Cognition, Conflicts, and Cohesion, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, vol.23 no.6 pp.934-951, 2017
2017 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Agrawal, S.(Agrawal, S.)*, Do Communication Barrier in Student Teams Impede Do Communication Barriers in Student Teams Impede Creative Behavior in The Long Run?, Thinking Skills and Creativity, vol.26 pp.154-167, 2017
2015 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)*、張家維、張家維, A Collaborative Model of Technology Commercialization in the Research Institute: The Case of Chung- Shan Institute of Science and Technology\法人研究機構之技術商品化合作模式:以中科院為例(in Chinese), 科技管理學刊, vol.20 no.1 pp.55-92, 2015
2015 王明照(Wang, M-C.)*、陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), The more, the better? The impact of closure collaboration network and network structures on technology-based new ventures’ performance, R & D MANAGEMENT, vol.46 no.S1 pp.174-192, 2015
2015 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)*、張佑宇(Chang, Y.Y.)、李佳諭(Lee, Y.Y.), Creative entrepreneurs' guanxi networks and success: Information and resource, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, vol.68 no.4 pp.900-905, 2015
2015 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)*、張佑宇(Chang, Y.Y.)、Lao, Y.H, Creativity cognitive style, conflict, and career success for, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, vol.68 no.4 pp.906-910, 2015
2015 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)*、Chang, Y.Y.、Chang, Y.C, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Social Networks, and Creative Performance: Middle Managers as Corporate Entrepreneurs, Creativity and Innovation Management, vol.24 no.3 pp.493-507, 2015
2015 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)*、Yu-Yu Chang、Yuan-Chieh Chang, Exploring individual-work context fit in affecting employee creativity in technology-based companies, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, vol.98 pp.1-12, 2015
2012 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)*、潘釔天、張佑宇、吳俊德, Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The\文化創意園區與都市活化:中國上海田子坊與英國雪菲爾特區個案研究(in Chinese), 科技管理學刊, vol.17 no.1 pp.27-72, 2012
Year Book Title
2016 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach\創業教學-巴布森學院的實務教學法(in Chinese), 華泰文化, Jun. 2016
2010 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), Entrepreneurship\創業管理(in Chinese), 華泰文化, Sep. 2010
2010 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), Creative Leadership: Skills that drive change\創意領導:技巧驅動變革(in Chinese), 智勝, Apr. 2010
2009 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), Creativity Management \創意管理(in Chinese), 智勝, Aug. 2009
2007 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice\智慧資本管理實務(in Chinese), 華泰文化, Dec. 2007
Date of Publication Paper Title
2016.11 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Yeh, Y.-J.、Agrawal, S., The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Team Progress: Learning From Entrepreneurship Education , 中華民國科技管理學會年會暨研討會(CSMOT Conference), Nov. 2016, Taiwan/Taichung (台灣/台中)
2016.10 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Huang, M.-C.、Agrawal, S., Knowledge Sharing in Cross, Functional Teams: Path to Successful Teamwork - 第四屆海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會暨博士生論壇, Oct. 2016, China \Xian ( 中國\西安)
2016.10 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Hao S.-W.、Krishna, S.、Chang, Y.-Y., 第四屆海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會暨博士生論壇, Oct. 2016, China \Xian ( 中國\西安)
2016.10 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Yu, C-Y.、Krishna, S.、Chang, Y.-Y., Linking Psychological Climate and Middle Managers’ Happiness at Work: The Influence of Self, efficacy and Job Satisfaction - 第四屆海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會暨博士生論壇, Oct. 2016, China \Xian ( 中國\西安)
2015.09 陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen)、Lin, Y.-C.、Chang, Y.Y.、Chang, Y.C., 5th CIM Community Workshop, Sep. 2015, The Netherlands/Enschede
2013.07 Chang, Y.Y.、陳明惠(Ming-Huei Chen), Innovative cognitive style, proactive personality and employee creativity: The moderating effects of work discretion and time pressure , PICMET Conference, Jul. 2013, San Jose, the United States
Project Title Period
全球文化創意園區的態樣與創意創業家的滿意度研究 (20160419211453) 2014.08 ~ 2017.07
Award Name Awarding Unit
最佳論文獎 中華民國科技管理學會暨研討會
科技管理碩士論文獎-佳作 中華民國科技管理學會
EMBA碩士論文獎-佳作 中華民國科技管理學會
最佳學生論文獎 PICMET 科技管理國際研討會
場次最佳論文獎 ISBE第36屆創業研討會
獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文 國科會
科技管理碩士論文獎-佳作 中華民國科技管理學會
最佳論文獎 中華民國科技管理學會暨研討會
崇越碩士論文優良獎 台灣管理學會
李寧論文獎一等獎 中國管理研究國際學會
Category Course Code Course Title Year
碩士在職專班 MH400014A 創新領導與倫理 113
Year Research Title Authors
103 文化創意園區與區域創新:以德國多特蒙德U文創中心為例 莊宗霖
103 創業創意力,創業機會與退場意願:創業動機的中介效果 陳明瀚
103 創意經濟與工業遺產價值:英國曼徹斯特北區與瑞士蘇黎世西區文化創意園區研究 李曉雯
103 廢棄工業區價值再造與創意園區:以加拿大格蘭維爾島為例 林永彬
103 釀酒產業文化資產與創意園區:德國文化釀酒廠與加拿大古釀酒廠區個案研究 曾紀瀚
103 探討創業幸福感:創業家的認知風格、關係與創意 林吟真
103 創意創業家人力資本與創業成功:關係網絡之中介效果 江孟達
103 探索創意創業家的事業成功與退場意圖:認知風格、關係網絡、創意、機會與資源 張佑宇
102 博物館文化特區與都市活化:畢爾包古根漢美術館及維也納博物館特區個案研究 江蕙如
102 顧客價值導向的自有品牌權益分析:以Just Mobile公司為例 紀智偉
102 創意創業家之關係網絡與創業成功:資訊可近性及資源可用性之中介效果 李佳諭
102 提升外籍勞工媒合率之研究:以康林國際事業股份有限公司為例 曾潮雄
102 提升泰安服務區顧客滿意度之研究:從政府、廠商、顧客觀點 林華燦
102 創意認知風格、衝突處理與事業成功:台灣創意創業家之實證研究 羅雅薰
102 城市濱水工業遺產之價值再造與文化創意園區:英國利物浦阿爾伯特碼頭與日本橫濱港灣未來21區 楊雅淳
102 創意創業家的態樣與事業成功 潘如昀
102 藝術村的群聚效應與發展演進:香港牛棚藝術村與義大利托爾托納創意園區個案研究 黃彥博
102 專案管理、跨部門合作、主管支持與專案績效之研究 - 以筆電公司為例 劉邦印
102 建立品牌知名度與品牌忠誠度之商業模式:@STUDIO文創中心的個案研究 洪雯怡
102 文創園區的產官學合作模式:澳洲昆士蘭奇雲角及加拿大葛蘭湖園區個案研究 邱俊豪
101 企業併購的組織創新與績效之個案研究 陳淑君
101 政府政策、夥伴關係、創新策略與績效:以科學園區科技公司為例 周立中
101 休閒園區的經營模式與體驗經濟之研究 劉兆翔
101 人力資本、機會辨識與企業績效:以網路事業為例 黃建鈞
101 文化創意園區藝術與商業的結合:台北華山1914、上海M50與紐約蘇活區個案研究 劉芊雅
101 人力資本、社會資本與機會發現:以網路創業家創意為中介變數 陳柏瑄
101 知識分享、社會資本與公司績效:以科技創新策略為中介變數 洪薏晴
101 台灣農業生物科技中小企業國際化之研究 -從科技組織與環境的觀點 甘偉成